Azure Functions vs AWS EventBridge - Which event-driven computing service is better

September 01, 2021

Azure Functions vs AWS EventBridge - Which event-driven computing service is better

As companies explore ways to create fast, efficient systems, event-driven computing has become a popular area of study.

Two of the biggest players in this space are Azure Functions and AWS EventBridge.

So which service is better? Let's take a closer look.


Azure Functions

Azure Functions is a serverless computing service offered by Microsoft. It allows users to run code on demand without having to provision any servers.

Functions can be written in C#, JavaScript, PowerShell, Python, and other languages. The service is designed to be scalable, allowing users to run a few lines of code or an entire business process.

AWS EventBridge

AWS EventBridge is a serverless event bus that allows you to connect your applications to various AWS services. It allows you to build event-driven architectures and enable event-driven computing.

EventBridge can be used to integrate your applications with AWS, Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, and third-party services. It can also be used for custom applications.



When it comes to performance, both Azure Functions and AWS EventBridge offer fast, reliable computing. Azure Functions have a cold start time of around 1-2 seconds, which is comparable to EventBridge's 1-3 seconds.

Azure Functions use a technology called Dynamic Service Plan, while AWS EventBridge uses AWS Lambda for executing the code. Based on this, some experts have concluded that Azure Functions are slightly faster.


In terms of integration, AWS EventBridge has a broader range of applications and services that it integrates with. However, Azure Functions can be integrated with any service that can generate a webhook or HTTP trigger. Developers can use Azure Functions to build event-driven architectures using any platform or language.


The pricing for both Azure Functions and AWS EventBridge is similar. Both services charge based on usage and offer a free tier for small projects.

Azure Functions are charged based on the number of executions, execution time, and memory consumption. AWS EventBridge charges based on the number of events and event patterns.


Both services offer a range of features and benefits, and ultimately the choice will depend on your unique requirements.

Azure Functions are a great choice for organizations that want a flexible, scalable service that can be integrated with any platform or language. AWS EventBridge is a good choice for companies that are heavily invested in the AWS ecosystem and want to integrate with a broad range of services.

No matter which service you choose, one thing is certain - with event-driven computing, you're on the cutting edge of technology.


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